Skid Road IPA
In naming our Indian pale ale “Skid Road”, we drew inspiration from the history of the neighbourhood surrounding our original location and the corduroy logging roads used to transport lumber to and from the Hastings sawmill which ran alongside the building that initially housed our brewery.
Characterized by a lovely golden hue, medium body and an intense, hoppy flavour. The Skid Road IPA is a light-coloured Indian pale ale with tropical flavour and a subtle aroma of stone fruits. Topped off with a nice dry finish, this delightfully invigorating beer will have your taste buds singing for more!
Indian Pale Ale
The Indian Pale Ale was created long ago when brewers needed to keep their beer fresh during long voyages from England. Hops were added, which are used for enhanced flavour and preservation, to ensure their beers didn’t spoil during long months at sea.